Displays a list of replicas currently registered with the source. SHOW
SLAVE HOSTS requires the REPLICATION SLAVE privilege.
SHOW SLAVE HOSTS should be executed on a server that acts as a
replication source. The statement displays information about servers
that are or have been connected as replicas, with each row of the
result corresponding to one replica server, as shown here:
| Server_id | Host | Port | Master_id | Slave_UUID |
| 192168010 | iconnect2 | 3306 | 192168011 | 14cb6624-7f93-11e0-b2c0-c80aa9429562 |
| 1921680101 | athena | 3306 | 192168011 | 07af4990-f41f-11df-a566-7ac56fdaf645 |
o Server_id: The unique server ID of the replica server, as configured
in the replica server's option file, or on the command line with
o Host: The host name of the replica server as specified on the replica
with the --report-host option. This can differ from the machine name
as configured in the operating system.
o User: The replica server user name as, specified on the replica with
the --report-user option. Statement output includes this column only
if the source server is started with the --show-slave-auth-info
o Password: The replica server password as, specified on the replica
with the --report-password option. Statement output includes this
column only if the source server is started with the
--show-slave-auth-info option.
o Port: The port on the source to which the replica server is
listening, as specified on the replica with the --report-port option.
A zero in this column means that the replica port (--report-port) was
not set.
o Master_id: The unique server ID of the source server that the replica
server is replicating from. This is the server ID of the server on
which SHOW SLAVE HOSTS is executed, so this same value is listed for
each row in the result.
o Slave_UUID: The globally unique ID of this replica, as generated on
the replica and found in the replica's auto.cnf file.