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Настройка соединения с СУБД Oracle

Раздел описывает порядок действий для создания соединения с СУБД Oracle для дальнейшего его использования как ядром системы мониторинга, редактором запросов, так и другими модулями программы

Create a connection

First you need to create a tree structure according to the instructions in the section "Buttons and control of the connection tree"

  • Select the node in the tree where you want to create a connection

  • Press the "Create new connect" button

  • In the "Connection alias" field, enter a unique name within the node

  • From the "Database type" drop-down list select "Oracle"

  • In the "VendorHome" field, specify the directory where the Oracle client is installed. The directory must be specified if you want to use an Oracle "client" other than the default one used by program 

  • Specify the full path to the oci.dll library in the "VendorLib" field. The path must be specified if it is necessary to use an Oracle "client" other than the default one used by the program.

  • In the "TNS_ADMIN" field, specify the directory in which the tnsnames.ora file is located (for the case of its use)

  • In the "Comment" field, add a description of the connection (if desired)

Connection options
  • From the drop-down list "Parameter name" select the name of the parameter

  • Enter the parameter value in the "Value" field

  • Add a parameter by pressing the button "Add parameter"

  • To delete a parameter, the "Delete parameter" buttons are pressed

To test the connection, click the "Testing connect" button

To save the connection, click the "Save" button

Description of parameters and possible values


The value can be one of the following:

TNS alias - Specifies which database to connect to.

TNS connection handle - as in TNSNames.ora

Oracle connection string -- as in SQL*Plus.


  • OraDB


  • scott/tiger@OraDB

  • system/manager@OraDB as sysdba

  • OraDB:1521/orcl


OS Authentication


Specify "Yes" to use OS authentication and "No" to use DBMS authentication.

Possible values:

Default "No"



Oracle username if OSAuthent=No

Possible values:




Oracle user password if OSAuthent=No

Possible values:




Oracle authentication mode:

  • Normal -- a normal user. Default value.

  • SysDBA is a user with database administrator rights.

  • SysOper is a user with database operator privileges.

  • SysASM is a user with database administrator privileges for Oracle Automatic Storage Management instances.

  • SysBackup is a user with database administrator privileges for backup and restore operations.

  • SysDG is a user with database administrator privileges for Oracle Data Guard operations.

  • SysKM is a user with database administrative rights for operations with the Transparent Data Encryption key vault. 

Possible values:




Specifies the timeout value in milliseconds for receive or read operations. Specifying zero means no timeout.

Note: . Use this setting in environments where clients occasionally disconnect intentionally or abnormally. Otherwise, the database server may be waiting for data from clients, which may be offline or experiencing problems.

Possible values:



Specifies the timeout value, in milliseconds, after which the database server completes a send operation to clients. Specifying zero means no timeout.

Note: . Use this setting in environments where clients occasionally disconnect intentionally or abnormally. Otherwise, the database server may continue to send responses to unreachable clients.

Possible values:

character set


The character set for the connection. If not specified, the value of the NLS_LANG variable is used.

Possible values:

  • UTF8

  • cl8mswin1251



Specifies how to represent boolean values:

  • Choose -- uses the Boolean type to represent PL/SQL boolean options. This is the default mode. Note. This is true for Oracle 12c or later. In previous versions of Oracle, the Integer type was used in Choose.

  • Integer -- uses the Integer type to represent PL/SQL boolean parameters, where False = 0 and True = 1.

  • String -- uses the String type to represent PL/SQL boolean parameters, where False = 'F' and True = 'T'.

Possible values:




App name. If specified, this value is stored in the V$SESSION -> MODULE column.

Possible values:



Additional Oracle session options. For details, see the chapter ALTER SESSION SET, paragraph "Initialization parameters and ALTER SESSION". The value format is <option>=<value>[;...].

Possible values:



Specifies the new Oracle user password. The program connects to the database using the old password and immediately changes it to a new one.

Possible values:


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