ST_Buffer_Strategy(strategy[, points_per_circle])
This function returns a strategy byte string for use with ST_Buffer()
to influence buffer computation.
Information about strategies is available at
The first argument must be a string indicating a strategy option:
o For point strategies, permitted values are 'point_circle' and
o For join strategies, permitted values are 'join_round' and
o For end strategies, permitted values are 'end_round' and 'end_flat'.
If the first argument is 'point_circle', 'join_round', 'join_miter', or
'end_round', the points_per_circle argument must be given as a positive
numeric value. The maximum points_per_circle value is the value of the
max_points_in_geometry system variable.
For examples, see the description of ST_Buffer().
ST_Buffer_Strategy() handles its arguments as described in the
introduction to this section, with these exceptions:
o If any argument is invalid, an ER_WRONG_ARGUMENTS
.html#error_er_wrong_arguments) error occurs.
o If the first argument is 'point_square' or 'end_flat', the
points_per_circle argument must not be given or an ER_WRONG_ARGUMENTS
.html#error_er_wrong_arguments) error occurs.