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Description of the " Master-data (MDM) " table

Viewing data in tables is possible through the built-in  query editor for "SQLite" databases

Work in the mode with the central database is supported.
To configure the program in this mode, use the following instructions.

The master data is a structured catalog of data stored in randomly constructed cards created in the page master.

MDM - allows you to store arbitrary information in a structured way, a description of systems, networks, servers, databases, contacts, products, etc.

MDM supports both local application storage and single storage mode. 

Запуск менеджера мастер данных

Starting the Master Data Manager


In the main window of the program, click the " Master Data Management " button

CerebroSQL - run master data
CerebroSQL - master data show
Кнопки управления 1

Control buttons

CerebroSQL - master data control button.

Page creation wizard

Creating root entries for the object tree

Adding a node to a tree

Refresh object tree

Card creation

Refresh the structure of the current card and display the data

Card search

Moving a card to another node

Remove card / empty node

Создание страницы для хранения данных

Create a page to store data


Launch the page creation wizard

cerebroSQL - show master create page
Кнопки управления 2

Control buttons

CerebroSQL - create page control button.

Create a new page

Create a directory

Add item to page

Move element to another node

Export / import page

Refresh the page list

Remove item from page


  • Click the " Create new page " button

  • In the " Value " field, enter the name of the page

  • Close the catalog editor window

CerebroSQL - create new page
Добавление элемента на созданную страницу

Adding an element to the generated page

  • Select a page (an element on a page) in the " Page structure " list

  • Open the " Add new element " menu and select the required element from the list 

CerebroSQL - add new element in page
Параметры элементов

Element parameters

To set element parameters:

  • Select an element in the tree

  • Press the button " Show and edit parameter

  • Save the entered parameters by pressing the " Save " button


CerebroSQL - splitter parameter

It is an element consisting of 2 connected panels.

Align - the position of the element on the form.

  • Top - press the element to the top of the form

  • Left - push the element to the left edge of the form

  • Right - press the element to the right edge of the form

  • Botton - press the element to the bottom edge of the form

  • Client - the element takes up the entire space of the form

AlignWithMargin - padding along the edges of the element

RealTimeDrag - False, a mask is displayed showing the new position of the strip. True, the bar moves as you move the mouse.

HotSpotVisible - show button to resize panels

Percent - the percentage occupied by the first panel of the total width

Height - the height of the element

Width - the width of the element

LockBar - prohibit changing panels with the mouse using the resize button

Orientation - the orientation of the panels relative to each other.



CerebroSQL - groupbox parameter

Panel with additional decoration in the form of a frame around and a title

Align - the position of the element on the form.

  • Top - press the element to the top of the form

  • Left - push the element to the left edge of the form

  • Right - press the element to the right edge of the form

  • Botton - press the element to the bottom edge of the form

  • Client - the element takes up the entire space of the form

AlignWithMargin - padding along the edges of the element

Height - the height of the element

Width - the width of the element

Style name - element style name

Caption - title

Font size - font size



CerebroSQL - label parameter

Text label

Align - the position of the element on the form.

  • Top - press the element to the top of the form

  • Left - push the element to the left edge of the form

  • Right - press the element to the right edge of the form

  • Botton - press the element to the bottom edge of the form

  • Client - the element takes up the entire space of the form

AlignWithMargin - padding along the edges of the element

Font size - font size

Layout - vertical arrangement of text on an element

  • Center - in the center

  • Top - press the text to the top

  • Bottom - press the text to the bottom

Caption - text

Style name - element style name

Height - the height of the element

Width - the width of the element

Aligenment - horizontal position of text on an element

  • Left - press the text to the left corner

  • Center - text in the center of the field

  • Right - press the text to the right corner



CerebroSQL - edit parameter

Text input field

Align - the position of the element on the form.

  • Top - press the element to the top of the form

  • Left - push the element to the left edge of the form

  • Right - press the element to the right edge of the form

  • Botton - press the element to the bottom edge of the form

  • Client - the element takes up the entire space of the form

AlignWithMargin - padding along the edges of the element

Height - the height of the element

Width - the width of the element

Font size - font size

CharCase - text case

  • normal - text in any case

  • upper - uppercase text

  • lower - lowercase text

TextHint - hint for entering text. The tooltip is displayed in an empty field

NumberOnly - the field contains only numbers

Style name - element style name

page control


CerebroSQL - page control parameter

Pages panel - initially empty, pages are created separately

Align - the position of the element on the form.

  • Top - press the element to the top of the form

  • Left - push the element to the left edge of the form

  • Right - press the element to the right edge of the form

  • Botton - press the element to the bottom edge of the form

  • Client - the element takes up the entire space of the form

AlignWithMargin - padding along the edges of the element

TabHeight - page header height

Font size - font size

Width - the width of the element

Height - the height of the element

Style name - element style name



CerebroSQL - page parameter

Page for the " Page control "

Caption - page title



CerebroSQL - radiogroup parameter

An element that allows you to select one of the values

Align - the position of the element on the form.

  • Top - press the element to the top of the form

  • Left - push the element to the left edge of the form

  • Right - press the element to the right edge of the form

  • Botton - press the element to the bottom edge of the form

  • Client - the element takes up the entire space of the form

AlignWithMargin - padding along the edges of the element

Columns - the number of columns

Caption - title

WordWrap - output text to multiple lines

Style name - element style name

Font size - font size

Height - the height of the element

Width - the width of the element

" Content " block - values ​​for the element

Using query - values ​​for the element are generated by a SQL query

If Using query is not set, a list of values ​​must be specified in the field. One value per line



CerebroSQL - panel parameter

Item for storing other items

Align - the position of the element on the form.

  • Top - press the element to the top of the form

  • Left - push the element to the left edge of the form

  • Right - press the element to the right edge of the form

  • Botton - press the element to the bottom edge of the form

  • Client - the element takes up the entire space of the form

AlignWithMargin - padding along the edges of the element

Height - the height of the element

Width - the width of the element

Style name - element style name



CerebroSQL - combobox parameter

Drop-down list

Align - the position of the element on the form.

  • Top - press the element to the top of the form

  • Left - push the element to the left edge of the form

  • Right - press the element to the right edge of the form

  • Botton - press the element to the bottom edge of the form

  • Client - the element takes up the entire space of the form

AlignWithMargin - padding along the edges of the element

DropDownCount - the number of lines in the visible part of the drop-down list

Height - the height of the element

Width - the width of the element

Style name - element style name

Style - the style of the element

  • DropDown - allow value input

  • DropDownList - no values ​​entered

Block " Default data "

List - a list of values. One value per line

SQL - query to get a list of values

Previously introduced - the values ​​previously entered into this field. Works with Style = DropDown



CerebroSQL - richedit parameter

Multiline text box

Align - the position of the element on the form.

  • Top - press the element to the top of the form

  • Left - push the element to the left edge of the form

  • Right - press the element to the right edge of the form

  • Botton - press the element to the bottom edge of the form

  • Client - the element takes up the entire space of the form

AlignWithMargin - padding along the edges of the element

ScrollBar - scroll bars

  • None - do not show the scrollbar

  • Both - horizontal and vertical scroll bar

  • Horizontal - only horizontal scrollbar

  • Vertical - only vertical scrollbar

PlainText - which format RichEdit works with. False - RTF format, True - plain text

Style name - element style name

WantTabs - can I enter a tab character

WordWrap - wrap text for long lines

Font size - font size

Width - the width of the element

Height - the height of the element

Расположение элементов

Location of elements

A number of elements (panel, groupbox, splitter, page) can serve as parent elements for other elements.

The number of nested elements is not limited.

Перемещение элементов

Moving elements

Created elements can be moved both within the current parent object and to another level.

Moving elements on the current level

  • Select an element in the tree

  • Press " Element up " to move up or " Element down " to move down


The location of the element on the level determines its position when creating the page.

Moving an element to another level

  • Select an element in the tree

  • Press " Move element " button

  • In the window that opens, in the tree, select a new location for the element

  • Press the " Move " button

CerebroSQL - move element
Удаление элемента

Deleting an element

To remove an element:

  • Select an element in the tree

  • Press the " Delete element " button

Important: the deletion of elements is performed cascaded, i.e. both the selected element and all its child objects are deleted.

Создание таблиц справочников

Creating lookup tables

A number of page elements support retrieving data using SQL queries. 

The data for these queries can be formatted in the form of reference tables.

To create a dictionary table, start the dictionary creation wizard by clicking the "Create or edit the library tables" button

Directory Creation Wizard

Мастер создания справочников
CerebroSQL - reference books

Create a table

  • Press the " Create new reference book " button

  • In the " Tablename " field, enter a new name for the directory

  • Enter a comment in the " Comment " field (optional)

  • Add columns

  • In the field " Column name " enter the name of the column

  • From the drop-down list " Column data type " select the data type

  • Click the " Add column " button

  • Save the table by pressing the " Save " button

Important : The table will not be created until the " Save " button is pressed.

The program does not support deleting columns in the created table.

Adding columns is possible after creating a table

  • Select table in " List table

  • Press the " Edit " button

  • Add columns

  • Save by pressing the " Save

Добавление, редактирование, удаление записей таблицы справочника

Adding an Entry

  • Select table in List table

  • Press the " New " button

  • Fill in the fields in the " Edit data " block

  • Two fields ( id and create_dttm ) are not allowed to be edited, they are displayed informationally

  • Save the entry by pressing the " Save " button

Important: in the " Edit data " block, the columns are displayed in reverse order with respect to the table structure

Changing an entry

  • Select table in List table

  • Select a table entry in the " Table data " list

  • Change field value in " Edit data " block

  • Two fields ( id and create_dttm ) are not allowed to be edited, they are displayed informationally

  • Save the entry by pressing the " Save " button

Deleting an entry

  • Select table in List table

  • Select a table entry in the " Table data " list

  • Press the " Del " button

CerebroSQL - edit data reference book
Удаление таблицы справочника

Deleting a lookup table

  • Select a lookup table in the " List table " list

  • Press the " Delete reference book " button

Export/import page

Экспорт/импорт страницы
CerebroSQL - start export page
Экспорт страницы

Page export

In the window " Page configurator " in the tree " Page structure " select a page

  • Expand menu " Export/import page "

  • Select " Export page

  • If it is necessary to unload reference tables as well, select them in the " Library " list by setting the checkboxes

  • Press the " Export " button  

  • The operation execution log will be displayed in the " Log " field 

  • The export file will be created in the .\config\export\<Card name>.crd directory

The export file is a SQLite database with a password of 221122 and aes-256 encryption algorithm

CerebroSQL - export card
Импорт страницы

Page import

  • Expand menu " Export/import page "

  • Select " Import page

  • In the " Container " field, specify the full path to the export file

  • If you need to import a card with a new name, then specify it in the " New card name " field

  • If you are importing a card previously created in the same database, then set the radio button " Generate new ID element

  • Select the data loading mode in the " Type load card " block

    • Create new - create a new card

    • Replace exists - recreate an existing card. The data saved in the card is not deleted earlier, only the metadata of the card is replaced

    • Add new element - add new elements to an existing card

  • Select the method of loading lookup tables in the " Type load library " block

    • Load new - load only new directories

    • Drop and create - preliminarily execute the command to delete imported directories in the repository

  • Press the " Import " button

  • The data loading log will be displayed in the " Log " field

CerebroSQL - import card

master data

CerebroSQL - master-data
Создание узлов дерева
Creating Tree Nodes
  • Press " Create node " button

  • In the field " Value " enter the name of the node

  • Save the value in the catalog by pressing the " Save " button

Формирование дерева
Tree formation
  • Select the node in the tree for which you want to add a child object

  • " Add node " button pressed

  • Select an entry from the " Parent list "

  • Press the " Insert children " button

CerebroSQL - add node
Создание карточки
Create a card
  • Fill in the fields of the card. Required field " Page name (tree view) "

  • In the " Tree the object " tree, select the node in which you want to create an entry

  • Expand " Add new page " menu

  • Select the card to fill out

CerebroSQL - create new card
CerebroSQL - creating new card data
Редактирование сохраненной карточки
Editing a saved card
  • Open the card for viewing (by selecting it in the tree or finding it through the search)

  • Press " Edit page " button

  • Make changes to the page

  • Save Changes

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